শুক্রবার, ২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Camera Phones v/s Digital Cameras- Is it a real turf war?

With plethora of options and quality available in camera phones; digital cameras are now a cup of tea for professional photographers only. Talking about professionals, they would never opt for camera phones over digital cameras for taking photographs. All this because, there is a revolution going on in the quality of photos coming from smartphones or camera phones, and the improvement in quality is such that it could signal the end for the digital camera. A professional photographer might not agree, but for a layman, we can now take pictures on our phone that are every bit as good ? if not better ? than an expensive camera. Phones have had the capability to take photos for many years now, but it?s only in the last year that they have caught up with digital cameras in terms of quality of images produced. With the advancement, for somebody who takes the odd picture, there?s no longer a need to have a digital camera and this is a kind of threat for the entire digital camera industry. Especially, when believe the fact that cameras phones can only improve even further from here on in.

Although it is very common when a new technology begins to make inroads into a profession for the old guard of that profession to feel threatened. It happened when television came along and the media called it the death of radio. But, irrespective of the prevailing threat, there are good reasons to unwind the thought of camera phones wiping out professional photography.

Firstly, Camera phones cannot achieve the same levels of quality. There is a specific reason for a professional photographer to invest in the highly sophisticated equipment which, he has in his studio and the one which he or she takes to a shoot. Modern photography equipment has precise instrumentation to handle lighting issues to properly frame each photograph and to produce a professional quality outcome that people want from a wedding, a portrait or any kind of professional photography. Hence, anyone can bet that forensic photography, fashion photography and photography for publication will ever be willing to accept the low standards of quality that are the outcome of camera phone pictures.

Secondly, it?s an amateur game. When we see people holding up their camera phones at a concert to steal a picture, we know that device is not going to result in a professional quality shot. This is especially true in a live setting like a concert where there are myriads of issues such as lighting, visual noise and other problems that have to be overcome with sophisticated instrumentation, which is not available on a camera phone. Camera phones are an amateur photography device. And they will always occupy that niche.

Therefore, the increased popularity of the camera phones has definitely increased the number of amateur photographers but, there is no point that they have taken the place of professional photographers from the market. Though, we cannot predict, what future holds for all.

About the Author

wendy madden is a well known author and has written articles on Camera, Apple tablet, sony tablet pc and many other subjects.

Article Directory Source: http://www.articlerich.com/profile/wendy-madden/200636

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